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Writer's pictureEliyanah

Let’s start talking Quantum Sex Ed!

Before that let’s talk just basic 3D sex ed. I would guess many, if not most people, had little to no actual sex education as a youth or if ever in their life. How interesting that this aspect, which is such a key to being human, is something that has long been a taboo or something that was kept secret- something you couldn’t have for goodness knows what you might do with it? Be more in the body? Made choices that support your own growth and sovereignty? Typically, I try to avoid sarcasm in written form, as it can be misconstrued, but this topic really rubs me raw- and not in a good way.

My intention is to begin to fill this gap---- provide what I can about how your biological vessel works and then how those energetic layers affect what we think we “know” about our bodies. I leave information in this space with the intention of helping others learn about their bodies to begin to put together their own pieces on the way to healing.

Let’s start this series with gestational genital development. I had to create my own image (and an artist is not in my skill set) because this isn’t something that’s even out there with images that are under creative common licenses.

Gestational Genital Development: After an egg (ova) is fertilized by one sperm, and we know the egg chooses the sperm - this is not a race of the fastest sperm, it is actually a selection process by which the egg decides which sperm to lower the cell membrane to allow inside (I envision a force field) - the egg begins to divide and after 1-2 weeks may or may not implant into the lining of the uterus (50% of fertilized eggs do not successfully implant).

For the first six weeks the embryo continues to grow and EVERY body begins with the same exact genital tissue- a unity of biology at our beginning. Unity consciousness in biological form stepped down through layers of dimension and energy. Then the gender principle makes itself known.

At week 7, a hormone surge triggered by DNA instructions begins to shift this identical tissue into what will, by week 20, develop into the typical vulva and internal ovarian system or the typical penis and testicular system. There’s also IMMENSE variation in this process over these 13 weeks and when this occurs someone is born intersex- a term used as an umbrella term for any combination either internal or external of body parts in anything outside the biological sex binary. It is estimated that 2 in 100 babies are born intersex, either through a variation of chromosomes, a variation in internal or external genitalia or a variance in hormones within the body and thus their affect on secondary sex characteristics. This is the same percentage of the population as those with red hair. Many people who are intersex never know until later in life, if ever.

What does this all mean? There is more here than meets the eye and way more than most are educated about. We all began as one. We all aim to ultimately return to ONE. There are added layers here of hybridization of DNA, interruptions of cellular processes due to energetic phenomena, and other distortions which show up in our bodies. Many are very self conscious about their bodies- particularly their genitalia. Variation is normal, and at this moment in time we are here to heal. Each is perfectly created for the experience you are here to have as Holy Mother & Holy Father would have it be.

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